Shipping Information


All orders are processed within 5-7 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) after receiving your order confirmation email. You will receive another notification when your order is shipped to our courier partners.

Delivery Charges

Shipping is free on orders above KWD 10.

You will be charged an extra amount of KWD 1.5 if the order value does not reach the above threshold.

For cash on delivery orders, there will be a COD fee of KWD 1. Shipping and COD charges of your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout.

Order Tracking

You can track your orders easily once you receive the order tracking number on your registered mobile number and email address.

How to track your order:


2. Go to ‘My Orders’

3. Click on

‘Track Order’

If you have placed the order as a guest, goto 

and enter your order tracking number.

In-store Pickup

Currently, we do not have in-store pickup available for orders placed online.